
Last Updated on 20230310(17.13) by st.

lieber st.,
(und ich weisz nochnichtmal ob diese anrede hier funktioniert und auch nicht das ganze doch in englisch gehalten werden sollte) well i think it should…; so…
you managed to get home? not buried under a tree? (i know -suspicious readers- will read 1 friedwald out of this but what i mean is: the gewitter missed you? fine. me was staying a while noch in the se vidant studio et seule chose je me rassemble would be something of people telling me -how courageous- the whole chose was i did le soir dhier. je nen pense de etant courageux mispell mais plus dune performance professionelle comme dhabitude, comme je suis habitue aux gens mettre. ive planned it all through to the weakest detail et quand doing so, you irgendwann loose the feeling of doing something extraordinary. marche comme ca, et gens est amuse ou non, ca ne me derange pas. je serais heureux de -qn- comprendre le (normalite) de se expose comme ca. cest ne pas un chose de se deshabiller aujourdhui, whats new to that, really. thatswhy courageous is 1 wrong label. interesting for me was rather to showing people changing of bedeutungzusammenhänge in gewohnter umgebung as i would like to call it. to question oneself, -if- theres still an observer -in you- that aujourdhui -sneaks- at tits/autrechose and -not- at the thingasawhole. what observer would that be…, that place? question to me then: why anyway undress and not just -put the adress to (je suis en train de me deshabiller, va join me) et divide laudience de les spectatores…
okay, bien de toi t’interesse dans les choses mais quoi tu peux faire pour moi? rien je pense… et voici: nous nous meme. bon jour la avantgarde…

i know, i can anyway change what ive done, shall i? i cannot encrypt my pwd, so if you please would arrange a new one for me with reference to: (myrealname).(dateofthesoireecommeddmmyy).(lastnameofthemasterofceremonyofthesoiree) thx. welcome to berlin…