Last Updated on 20230310(17.13) by st.
good morning ash…, saw you -crossing ways- …; alles gut? weather first: seems like summer is last time fullforce demonstrating its will to persuade people of climate is changing for sure. saying last year was -exceptional- dry is no longer possible, its repeating. theres impact of -no rain- maintenant, old trees is dieing in the woods…; at the cemetary you can observe the (durability) of families of plants/trees/bushes by its order of making -die grätsche-. another family will be vanished next year…
you should if you at all are not occupied with missing deadlines really check out the wholelife network established. to me it seems none of the participants is really interested precise is not, without -it seems-. schade…, i wonder. thought of getting bit insight in their work, but no. i am myself not really active either, but -speaking into the hollow-…, jenesaispas…
well, coffee over, im on my bike…, would be nice to hear of india… st.