Last Updated on 20230310(17.13) by st.
- to settle. (which is first. always. find a spot exclusive comme ca.)
- segundo: (which could be described as einfach in der hocke irgendwo rum und hoffne (the inversed hoffen form for -hope- which origins right hier in the middle of the valley of the ingen aning.)
- tertia quarta quinta: (something ending on -winter; like: fuck, the ice saints got their job misunderstood, nestcepas? nein, diese marke haben wir nicht.)
- sex, seven witch: genau…, fkf. (settle here in the sense of: to nettle also nettsein im eigentlichen sinne obwohl der sm talk sich innerhalb hier anerkannter limits bewegen würde ich meine w
- eight) not warcraft hast du den server runtergefahren?
- nine. es werden immer noch (dinge wirklichkeiten) gespiegelt.
- ten is me to close to teeth. on the right hand side youll see labcabin, california. left to you: is there anything? you think not i know.
- let me tell you this elven story. there was a rhodo and at his foot or better, no…, -in- his foot, which was as for a rhodo superpassend (that its looking a bit out of the earth) was a little hole. the rhodo was standing on a single grave – which is for you to dimension a dimension of 1.25×2.5 in metrics – and was doing very well. summer commencement was okay although viola started to complain when it heavily started to rain and her heads fell down on mud. but rhodo knew shed come up again. so, what was the story…, achja…, the hole: nu…, some noneyetfixed rabbit (slap? damn the fuckirregular…) jdfs. kroch he not into the hole completely and somehow managed to make himself comfortable dealing shit. you not ought to name his shit as being in any way fusioned, but it surely burned as hell and rustled, crackled, and tensed with what viola then learned to call
- AURA. the rhodo denied aura out of his rational approach to anything exterior to him, but she (because viola is always weiblich you have to know) said like
- whoo, you with that special icannottouchyflair come here and join me. (an dieser stelle i have to explain that viola is a very lets say -frequent- one and the rhodo eher tausndfach verheiratet but you know that as i do for sure…) and this is the moment where the ring is coming ins spiel that the rabbit (or is it which? no, i not seen a rabbit doing such before) had (applied) in as we say wise aning onto one of the rhodo arms when he was still youngandfreshlyshaved in the face bitch. so he was done. (the rhodo, du spast!) where was i? achja…
- whoowhoo, come…, join meheehe…, did you not seehee…, i also bel
- so that was actually the point when i lost track of the rhodo history and the last thing i cannot remember was turning the viola head (for economic reasons) and putting her into the karre for in gts nmn free rhodo from the spell of that silver rabbit hole ring thing and used the rest of galvan knowledge to make aura de l’argent. and this is the end of the true story. ihr könnt jetz die fenster schlieszen aber bitte nich alle auf einmal.