was ich mich wirklich beständig frage, ist, ob niemand mehr bereit ist oder sogar lust hat, andere an seinenihrenfku geisteswissenschaftlichen fortschritten partizipieren zu lassen. ist das eine generation ego, die heute studiert? ein einziger konkurrenzkampf? jetzt schon? habt ihr angst, jemand könnte eure so einzigartige bachelorarbeit klauen? ich verstehs nicht… / könnt ihr nur wissen […]
Kategorie: no cat
10274.literaturstadt bln
09425.3 2104 vielleicht doch noch was zum acud. man vergiszt dort leicht, dasz man sich eigentlich die ganze zeit in einer ziemlich gewöhnlichen mietskaserne aufhält. nur der eingerückte bau hat vermutlich damals die mutigen etwas spinnen lassen, die da einen club reinsetzten, wo jetzt die küche des restaurants sein musz. die zeiten sind sehr dunkel […]
10177.output error
guten morgen, fu… as you may have noticed i am here trying to respond to the mode du travail ce term comme dhabitude. one could sort this essai under :art: instead :science:, but i elaborate on that. you will find ici updates to the work in progress witchis what i am in the course of […]
12326.ferring ref
spent time ferring stiftung föhr/amrum. ici.
Geschützt: 10506.pc
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10456.godot Sie spielen, oder? oue. nur? naja. also? ok. aber die klasse ist eben nicht da. und kein brett so leer wie das becket black board. kamman doch nur spielen… habens nix zu tun? schon. und? ach… ich schmöker ein biszchen während -sapiro, on how literary works cross borders.- benjamin ist auch noch dran… aber… […]
hej ash…, could be my compagnion tonight with the evening dans vieille crematoire, precise salle du colombariom. i feel at home… go friend, tell when youre wake. were in autumn times…
pretty random post
Pretty scared today. Do know about what but do not want to confront it perhaps. A deadline that has been pushed a lot extremely and i am yet to do it. Left with less than 12 hours. Surely do not want to make it disappointing. After all these months of work. 09313.drauszenpost von steph: hej […]
Large Time
Today time is stretching into a comfort I didn’t know I remember Healthy fruit juices are my absolute favourite! And the entire collection of berries look even more delicious. Not sure if I know all the fruits you mentioned, but surely inspires me to buy more fruits. The chapbook idea sounds great. But i’m […]
Finding the archive today In (1.) couplets and (2.) touch I took shelter in your vastness Yet I cannot nestle like water in sponge When you hurled some past at me today I found myself After devouring you completely, I would be Toothless Did you try your best To contain me? […]
Das Wetter ist schön
Not to be so Romantic, but. But, the idea was to stay asleep earlier than usual. Which means that things have to descend deep enough that i stay asleep. I wonder why anyone falls asleep. If it’s like falling in love, yes, i would over and over. But if it is tripping and falling into […]
Dear Steph (((Kommata 1))) I know you were looking for a different kommata. I don’t know what it means, but i’m very keen to make my own meaning. Purely coincidental that it attends to your interest in Telugu and the flora of faraway lands. Komma means branch and aata means game. Together they mean branch-game. […]
The missing object
Last night, I bought a small plastic bowl of Mother Dairy Curd, after dinner, and got it all the way up to the room. I somehow remember brining it up. And then i washed my spoon and sat to eat it, and it was gone. Just vanished. Odds are that i forgot it at the […]
Geschützt: 09245.intern
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respond. quick access workout.
well i read your post and i am not glad being adressed like that. calling the performance courageous is the simplest reduction to what could have worked out as description for this elaborate, hard pressed out of MY brains art stuff. ghanks anyway, gib dir das nächste mal mehr mühe, sachlich zu bleiben. und: hier […]
good morning hkw…, i do not know if i convinced you to leaving the (map) (according to #49, -cleaning woman-) which i somehow managed to (forget) in the upper space. i hope to not (leave) anybody too confused and will empty spind 66 on thursdee, when im trying to (amuse) the gehörlose&blind ones. im fine, […]