2. the transcript

the dialogue represents minutes 08:42 - 10:45 of the recording transcribed according to GAT2 conventions using EXMARALDA partitur editor (Wörner and Schmidt 2014) and ELAN (ELAN 2022).

2.1 basic

2.2 analysis

3. some visualisations & statistics

3.1 TRP

Auswertung 1. der TRP (transition relevant places) im Dialogverlauf. Diese werden hier 2. nach Fourier-Transformation der Positionen abgebildet, so dasz die frequenzanalysierte (nach Fourier also relative Länge) der zwischen den TRP liegenden Dialogabschnitten sichtbar ist. 3. Die relativierte Verlaufkurve der Intonationsphrasenlänge; rot = SP0, grün = SP1, blau = Differenzkurve.

Fourier transformation of data cf. “syuzhet” R-Package: (Jockers 2015)

3.2 some numbers

##     speechacts speech time (sec)  words
## SP0         70                 80   167
## SP1         43                 51    71

A. notes


ELAN. 2022. ELAN (Version 6.4) [Computer Software].” https://archive.mpi.nl/tla/elan.
Jockers, Matthew L. 2015. “Revealing Sentiment and Plot Arcs with the Syuzhet Package Matthew L. Jockers.” https://www.matthewjockers.net/2015/02/02/syuzhet/.
Wörner, K., and T. Schmidt. 2014. EXMARaLDA.” In Handbook on Corpus Phonology, 402–19. Oxford University Press. https://exmaralda.org/de/.

C. annex

transcript files, tables & source code:

download annex.zip