th…, dieser abend wird verschleichen und die schalen irgendwann ausglühn, ohne dasz etwas sich erneuerte, wir werden das sehen. du wirst das einstecken, die bahn gezogen haben…, und bist durch den grunewald nachts gekommen, den ich dir zeigen wollte den langen weg? tier werden, sehen das alles auszerhalb des lichts…, das absurd dunkle der gewellten […]
Autor: guhl
09253. bon soir, aarkivisti…
saluting this (general, (sorry: generous)) manier might offend some (if some anyay) reading, besides the fact you may be in a different (time zone) than i maintenant, or zone anyway. war das verständlich? myn english is not yet adapted to standards. i am learning. ich könnt euch auch auf deutsch zutexten, blosz dann würde die […]
09244.kook.C: an approach towards conceptual art.
09244.kook.C 09247. an approach towards conceptual art. its not the vagina of the artist who strips naked on stage, that is interesting about kavatkala, as it was neither the one of (#001) @kook.mono in the salle of…; fuck; where and who was that. okay i know, i have to find out MAINTENANT. you did yet? […]
09244.kook: art concept.
09247. an approach towards conceptual art. its not the vagina of the artist who strips naked on stage, that is interesting about kavatkala, as it was not the one of (#001) @kook.mono in the salle of…; fuck; where and who was that. okay i know, i have to find out MAINTENANT. you did yet? fine, […]
dear mrs. sara, according to your device? hä? -advice- i improvise an (approach) less (tinder.) which is as mayve not noticed the way i perform (approach) anyway. you did great. i bewundere jdfs. the courage and the stylistic (ausgearbeitetheit) deiner gschichte, so seltsam sie auch (warum eigentlich) erscheinen mag an (normalen) gschichten gemessen. i hope […]
dear mrs. sara, according to your device? hä? -advice- i improvise an (approach) less (tinder.) which is as mayve not noticed the way i perform (approach) anyway. you did great. i bewundere jdfs. the courage and the stylistic (ausgearbeitetheit) deiner gschichte, so seltsam sie auch (warum eigentlich) erscheinen mag an (normalen) gschichten gemessen. i hope […]
jun8. 2243cet hej ayman…, its the rabarber player…, im glad you found ways to get my post and responded so quickly. i didnt know if geneva would forward my question, maybe i missed the right time to get connected in the last days of the academy. so…, you see…, its open palais. i never asked […]
jun8. 0600 hej good morning the ash, you said youve -typed- the mail 6x, i tell you another form of (express exchange whatever)…, i continue my (elaboration) of yesterday evening this way…, not waiting for your response to write another time. maybe you can get the idea of (speaking) to each other in another way […]
jun8. 2315 hej the ash, good night…, see, it could work exactly like that although i maybe cause a lot of confusion with the way im doing this right now. you can someway smell the art out of it? i do not know if you anyway are interested -in art- so only method is to […]
Sehr geehrte Damen & Herren der Institute, ich melde mich bei Ihnen, so lange Ihre Erinnerungen an mich noch präsent sind und ich mich nicht der Lächerlichkeit preisgebe, wenn ich ein halbes Jahr später versuche, eine Berechtigung zur Ansprache Ihrer Verantwortlichen aus der jämmerlichen Tatsache abzuleiten, dasz Sie sich ein paar Minuten Zeit zur Anhörung […]
Sehr geehrte Fr. Buchholz-Liebig, ich bemühe mich, Ihnen in einem einigermaszen vernünftigen Deutsch zu schreiben, obwohl es mir schwerfällt, die Gedanken, die ich gern mit Ihnen teilen würde, zu ordnen. Sie sagen -geht doch-? Na gut. Vielleicht haben Sie Nachsicht mit jener Generation (Künstler), der ich zwar langsam entwachse, ohne ihr im mindesten etwas hinterlassen […]
09234.2 colloquium -der streit um die kritik- in der primäre.
bon soir les etudiantes… okay. ich werde mich nicht zurückhalten können und die -kritik in der primäre- wohl gleich, im anschlusz ans seminar, -aus den fingern saugen-. der drauszendurchgang zwischen dem vorderen und hinteren teil der silberlaube bietet sich grad an. donc. etudier. habe ich an alles gedacht? ein schmales ringbuch sappele -student- ein kanken […]
good morning hkw…, i do not know if i convinced you to leaving the (map) (according to #49, -cleaning woman-) which i somehow managed to (forget) in the upper space. i hope to not (leave) anybody too confused and will empty spind 66 on thursdee, when im trying to (amuse) the gehörlose&blind ones. im fine, […]
09232.hkw ii
51. of exposing soimeme into doubtful -situations-. davon, sich in für leib&eigentum gefährliche situationen zu begeben und diese zu bestehen, ohne dasz 52. of how to avoid anxious pp. to have mein eigentum zerstört: inholden of violin casket in locker 71; erklärung über inhalt. 1 organpipe, empty, material: sn 1 recording device 1 usb interface […]
live evaluation -environment- dans haus der kulturen, top floor. drauszen allgemein -windige situation- mit (angst vor flugblättern) osä. 1624: i avoid of serious labour on topics of – gender wtf – inclusion wtf – conclusion to wtf – anything beyond the cemetary. theres a decreased arrangement of herbs&blooms at the roof which was once bit […]
09231.2 schwangere auster.
09244.letters to ada. the postscript memories.
#letters to ada. the postscript memories. i know. i had died another time. but when was that. dunno. tomorrows the funeral. i invited few people standing near to pass it by. cant remember it… mustebeen two weeks ago round that, whereve i been then? ashes turning the handle of his bike. hell reach -the building- […]
good morning aarkivista…, longtime not seen. hows the week? in bln is shabbes maintenant. the -schwangere auster- (whichis enfait the only name for the only building which is indeed used by berliners as well contrary to other widespread -names- that we allegedly are using for bln lieux. no one is calling the fernsehturm -telespargel-, nobody […]
09225.1 FYI
you somehow have to log in to see -all- postes…; no sense in (passive reading.) and bithewai: partici**pate.
09224.2 to gendering
is there accordance to using any other (chiffre) for signaling (multigender) relations which you can propose? in my world the * is a markup sign and not to be used very comfortable. let me know, i agree. panel friday. few edited notes for your homework.
1. daniel rosenberg stop list. pioneer hans peter luhn, KWIC, 1958 concordancen…, einzige möglichkeit, to avoid irrelevant word in index lorraine daston, science in the archive alexander cruden, 1737, concordance 2. gloria meynen, zeit des archiv – zeit des büros; feedback loops? cornelia fissmann, (etymologie archiv) protokollieren von: beisammensein, verhandlungen akten: zustandekommen nicht dokumentiert (antike…); […]
09223. raw cut resume
09221.2 what the hell youre talkin about…
09221. encore ici.
bon soir aarkivisti…, good morning group…, also ich bin jdfs. noch da…, nous disont comme ca. dire: donc, je suis ici, mais vous? (le son cest tres improvise en francais, mais si lentendre en allemand et le comprendre tu sais comme jen pense… alors, tu es dans les trains, les avions, le gummiboote? okay, das […]
09217. (disclosure? im bad at terms…)
since the (improvised platform) is (improvised announced) to you resp. i somehow (told) you of it by (improvising) an (improvised) presentation of -the living archive- in the lobby some place -not glitchy whateverthatmeans- i wanted to secure for any objections concerning me to post further picture material up there without blackening the faces, which is […]
09216. probleme des selbst. und wie man ständig mit allem danebenliegt.
trying to abstract from my very subjective which is clear view on how to lead a discourse about how to engage with the ada as a whole how to activate the archive „what strategies can (I) suggest to uncover, activate, demonstrate, the relationships that built the archive, while acknowledging the complexities that come with this […]
09216. bithewai…
moin aarkivistes: beef today. rankommen!
09215.6 piece of art. i think its #1.
to settle. (which is first. always. find a spot exclusive comme ca.) segundo: (which could be described as einfach in der hocke irgendwo rum und hoffne (the inversed hoffen form for -hope- which origins right hier in the middle of the valley of the ingen aning.) tertia quarta quinta: (something ending on -winter; like: fuck, […]
09215.5 content. verarbeitung.
theres thresholds. not necessarily only that of educational background but also some of class issue as i, friedhofsgärtner, toowhitetooldtoohetero, am seulement able to perspective this way. i really tried to forcing people into teaching me their point of view, but last at the moment of realising my own limited perception i loose any voice any […]
09215.4 thematic. ich meins ernst.
as you mayve noticed theres no input into this. je sais vous attends le revelation si grande. mais oui, moissi. donc, estcequilya -le- moment irndwann de vous vous presenter? peutetre je suis aveugle de ne voir votre travails, mais pourquoi tu le cache? aucuneidee, aucune. je veux bien vous plais de me laisser savoir si […]
09215.3 provision. by tutor. i felt free to share…
FYI (from the blue booklet): (chapbook with material to the ada. (st.)) … Subject of the second essay proposed by the Archiv der Avantgarden is the educational gesture, in the attempt to articulate the past of its collection in the face of the needs of our present time. The strategies to transmit and receive knowledge […]
09215. the living archive
collection of -the living archive- in dresden town. examples of how to present archive content to public. 1: ALTANA GALERIE DER KUSTODIE IM GÖRGES-BAU — KUSTODIE — TU DRESDEN, fakulty of elektrotechnik/informationtechnique. presentation: was accompanied by an -art installation- by TABITA REZAIRE (which inhere Id say represents the gaps&missing links); the technical items were arranged […]
09217. pieceofart #2
group ii. tuesday, evaluating biergarten. just notes…
cement: marceno heritage of cem. industry, schiffshebewerk born 1944, italy, grownup germany money issue: what would i have done with the money instead of buying art black mountain college of the arts before: gehirnnotiz: mannl.weibl auszählen -vriaule- italian region, open art museum abi warburg, collector, american southwest, what is the worth of acknowlegdement of already […]
09214. audio note.
09213.3 panel monday, notes.
NOTES TO PANEL 1800 & albertinum, presque NON EDIT-FAST DONE. 2nd speaker: examples of relevant publications… -based on paper- -system und sinnlichkeit-, sammlung schering stiftung m. escher -in bester gesellschaft-, sammlung kupferstichkabinett exhibition: -a-z. die sammlung marzona.- 2014-2016, hamburger bahnhof?, us eur. konzeptkunst, minimal art, arte povera, alphabetisch geordnet, viertelj. erneuert und alph. fortgeführt; abc: regalbausystem […]
09213.2b monday. group ii. botanical garden.
archive method -herbarium-
09213.2 linkage: library
for example: you are here. you have to go there. someway. follow the trampelpfad. here: there: trampelpfad. like this. to be continued: (i would prefer you edit/complete this list but im not sure if it works out…) if you stand around and dont know what youre looking at: denkmaldatenbank dresden. — this…, is not a […]